That's interesting . . . Do you know if you have to be online at a particular time , or can it all be done entirely at your own leisure ?
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
Short Online Course (Free) on the Fall and Rise of Jerusalem in 587BCE by Tel Aviv University
by digderidoo infor those interested in the fall and rise of jerusalem in 587bce tel aviv university are offering a short 6 week online course through coursera in october 2014.. i have done a couple of coursera courses, they are always of the highest quality put together by scholars of whatever the subject matter is about.
universities tend to offer these as tasters and short introductions into their specialities.. you can get the information on the following link the fall and rise of jerusalem | coursera.
emory university are also offering a course through coursera on the bible's prehistory, purpose, and political future starting may 26th the bible's prehistory, purpose, and political future | coursera.
Quotes from the Watchtower that you agree with 100%
by nicolaou injust curious.
add your quotes with no commentary if you like, it should be obvious why you agree.. the dangers of being deceivedthe really sad fact is that very often the person who is deceived or deluded tends to hold on to his belief in spite of strong evidence proving otherwise.
perhaps he gets so emotionally attached to his belief that he simply shuts his eyes and closes his ears to any evidence that might challenge it.. the watchtower, 01/09/ 2010 p10/11.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Marking the HECK out of this thread, it's GOLD!
Daily Mail Article: UK 'blood recycling' breakthrough will let JWs have major surgery
by AndersonsInfo in
uk 'blood recycling' breakthrough will let jehovah's witnesses have major surgeryscientist created machine that recycles blood lost in operationswill allow jehovah's witnesses to have major surgery as rules out need for blood transfusions which their faith forbids gadget could save nhs millions by reducing demand for donated bloodby steven adams 26 april 2014 .
copy link to paste in your message.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Isn't this just the cellsaver?
This week's Bible reading
by JustVisting inthis week's reading included exodus 25:2 where moses was to collect contibutions from those whose heart incites him to.
i commented on this verse and quoted from the watchtower 1879 where it says, "we will not beg or solicite funds...when jehovah fails to provide the necessary funds it will be time to suspend publication.
" mind you, this was the same meeting where the letter was read about the new donation "arrangement" was read.. comments anyone?.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
There's a good quote from the insight book about this too. Could be good to use. . . .
For those of us who still attend
by jonahstourguide ini wanted to repost this, i inadvertently posted it in members but all need to see it i think.. .
bible highlights this week.
exodus 25:2.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Oh my. This is a really good opportunity to answer and stir up some cog Diss! I'm going to try. They can't chafe at quoting our own literature can they?! I'm sure if I could be arsed to do the Bible reading every week I could find some of these things myself, but I can't, so thanks for posting!
Helpful Scriptural References - importance of Trust in God not Man
by objectivetruth inpsalms 118:8 - it is better to take refuge in jehovah than to trust in humans.. the scriptures are clear that jesus is the truth - the way - the life : john 4:6 - jesus said to him: i am the way and the truth and the life.
no one comes to the father except through me.
1 timothy 2:4 - whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
That's an interesting collection of scriptures, but you know what they'll come back with? "be obedient to those taking the lead", Jesus holds the congregations in his hands, so by supporting the people he's provided, overseers, as there were in the first century, we support Christ. How'd you balance that then?
A Text Message Exchange
by Emery ini have been in the fading process for over a year now.
nobody has really bothered my wife and me since we've stopped, which i am thankful for.
recently, i've had an old jw friend send me a few text messages relating to business.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Wow, great thread, thanks for sharing, I feel there will be several conversation like this in my future. I only hope I can reason as well as you did... Well done!
1914 Commemorative T-shirts Available Now!!!
by 00DAD injwn member cedars is fast approaching his 1,914th post.
as of this posting, he is on his 1,909th post!!!
in honor and recognition of this momentous event, we are very excited to be offering to all jwn members your very own 1914 commemorative t-shirt!.
From their own mouths.....
by Slidin Fast inpara 19 of today's wt had a good rant about the dangers of the internet.
a footnote directs us to an article in the wt aug 15 2011. this said in part.
"be critical and suspicious of the information.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I always do that, think "if only I could have worded this into an answer"..
My fading files volume III
by Jon Preston inwell its been a while since my doubts were first realized.
ive been through hell mentally, but no where near what some on this site and those lurking have been through.
i got lucky, if you believe in that sort of thing.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Oh, good work sir and madam! Top notch!